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They speak, we listen: Residents' Meeting

On Tuesday, we held our monthly residents' meeting. These are an important part of the Elliscombe House calendar, as they are a time for us all to sit down together and share our thoughts and ideas. As Elliscombe House is home to all of us, we should all play a part in what happens here!

The residents were keen to convey their thanks to the staff team for their continued caring work and dedication.  We discussed training for new staff, and thanked our Manager Amy for giving residents the opportunity to participate in interviews.  We also discussed starting a walking group, to ensure residents get their daily exercise - we have wonderful and plentiful grounds to do this.

These meetings are a vital part of life at Elliscombe House and help to maintain the wellbeing of our residents, by giving them an important role in the decisions made here. From staff to activities, events to meals, we always welcome their views!



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